Curious About Monetizing You?

Curious About Monetizing You?

If you've been curious about how your brand would stack up as a business, this is for you.

I’m Kristen, a Brand Strategist and Creative Director who has helped generate tens of millions of dollars for my clients leveraging who they are, what they know, who they serve, and how they serve them. 

Your brand is an asset that if positioned correctly could generate tons of opportunities and income.  I call what I build for select clients “Brand Businesses,” as what I deliver are marketable and monetizable businesses built around you.  The ability to see and connect pieces easily could have everything to do with my autistic brain, but I think it comes down to a few key pieces:

  1. I have been referral-based for 14 years.  My first product launch generated almost $10,000,000 in a couple of weeks and I have been introduced in incredible circles since then.

  2. I have been poured into by high-achieving, successful clients.  You couldn’t pay for the access I’ve had to knowledge, wisdom, experience, inner workings, systems, and goals.  I bring all of that with me.

  3. I get stuff done.  I don’t enjoy sitting around pontificating.  I love to over deliver.

While I am particular about who I use my time for and what I bring to my team to build, I do know that I can help you determine the key factors when it comes to positioning yourself to achieve what you want, monetizing your intellectual property, bring clarity for who you serve and how you serve them, and assess where you are and what moves to make next.

Brand Business Vision Brief + Vision Strategy Session



Who you are, what you’ve accomplished, what you know, who you help, and how you help them, are all elements of your brand.  What I do is gather all of the information about you, what your current brand says about you, understand what you want, and then develop monetization strategies around you and deliver your Brand Business Vision Brief.

Brand Assessment

My team and I will create an assessment of how you show up online.  The purpose of this is to get an understanding of how you are currently positioned, think of this as your baseline.  The assessment gives us a starting point to understand where you are now, what your brand says about you, and what needs to be modified to reach your outcome.

2 Hour Vision Strategy Session

In this video session, we will speak about you.  My goal is to learn everything I can about you, what you’ve achieved, where you want to go, what you know, what interests you, what drives you, and what value proposition you provide to the audience(s) you serve.   It’s truly a fun session, as we’re simply speaking about you.

Brand Business Vision Brief

Once our conversation has taken place, I will begin working on your Brand Business Vision Brief.  Your brief will provide you clarity with your brand.  From your messaging and identity to providing suggestions for visibility and influence, I include all of that and focus heavily on monetization strategies.  My goal is to provide you a complete look at the opportunities you could generate with your brand and what you have achieved.  

  • It will give you competitive positioning. 
  • It will align your brand with your vision.
  • It will show you how to turn achievements into income.
  • It will help you gain clarity on purpose.
  • It will give you a plan with steps toward your goals.

If you’re ready to explore how you can have a competitive edge, monetize what you know, position yourself for achieving the most with the asset (you!) you’ve developed, I encourage you to schedule your time with me today.


Zero Risk: If at the midpoint of our meeting, it isn’t the most valuable discussion you’ve had about turning your brand into a business, I’ll refund your investment and we’ll part as friends.

Even better, if it goes like every other client, we’ll have built the playbook to turn your brand into a dream business, and I’ll credit your investment to the master plan we’ll build together.

“You positioned me so that people want to pay a premium to work only with me.”